MOD is a dual space that promotes the coming together between Priorat and BCN, through its wines, showing a creative and freethinking approach.

MOD GALERIA hosts graphic, multimedia or tridimensional art exhibitions, inspired in the culture, geography and oenology of Priorat. It also brings together an agenda of events, theme tastings and presentations.
MOD STORE shows collections of old vintages and big formats of Portal del Priorat, as well as compilations of vertical selections from the region’s wine references. It also gathers Vins de Culte – curious editions from colleague winemakers from all over the world – or the Tablarrasa Collection, unique editions with an always special presentation.
MOD. WINE is the online shop that culminates this coming together. It offers the possibility to acquire wines from the STORE and the limited edition artworks from the GALERIA.